Sunday, August 14, 2011

Guilty Pleasures/Sunday's Quote: A different kind of fantasy

c/o Fantasy Sports Counselor
I have a confession of which I am neither proud nor ashamed: I play fantasy football.

This year marks my twelfth season in a league that's been around with the same core group of guys since 1998.  During our annual draft yesterday, I began to ponder why this otherwise trivial little event has become so important to so many millions (and growing by the year).  Perhaps the quote below offers a reason why:


"Baseball is what we were.  Football is what we have become."
– Mary McGrory (1918–2004), a liberal journalist and columnist for The Washington Post who probably wasn’t paying homage to the game which, arguably, has replaced baseball as our new American pastime

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of fantasy football, I was trying to call you to get a few pointers from the original commish. Call me if you can. I'm the new SFL leader and need some direction. Thanks man.