Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Just Thinking Out Loud: Convoluted vitriol

I'm not an advocate of the alternative lifestyle, but people such as Andrew Shirvell and the Westboro "Baptist Church" have become textbook exemplars of what not to do and how not to be.  Whereas opposition shouldn't necessarily denote hatred or extremism, this handful of loons make standing for authentic Truth in this jaded and ever-changing world that much tougher.  And because of their increasing presence, Believers must always make it a point to vocally reject their twisted dogma, as this brand of self-righteousness does considerably more harm than good by creating enemies who might otherwise be friends.


Kid said...

Did you know the westboro people are all lawyers and they make themselves as disgusting as possible to homosexuals, military funerals, etc hoping that someone will punch them out and they will sure them. It's how they make their money. They don't care about any of these social questions. It's all an act for the above purpose. Which makes them even more slime ass pieces of shit.

Kid said...

Sue them...

AMW said...

I don't know that suing them would do much good, as they seem almost enlivened by the dissent they stir up. But either way, their nonsense more or less speaks for itself.

Kid said...

AMW, Sorry, I was correcting my spelling is all. Saying they sue. After making themselves the most vile slime to slither down a freakin highway.