Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Just Thinking Out Loud: A different path

With all four branches of the military represented in my immediate family, the affinity I have felt since childhood for the Navy exceeds all others.  Following in the footsteps of my grandfather (a Captain) and my mother (a Lieutenant Commander) almost certainly would have been a good move.  At the very least, a tour or two would have kept me from ending up at The Place Where Hope Goes to Die.



Anonymous said...

Hello, just for the record, there are 'five' branches of the military :-) Have a great day :-)

AMW said...

The Coast Guard doesn't go to war like the other four branches of our military. You have a good day as well.

Anonymous said...

A fine blog. Keep up the good work.

AMW said...

I was wrong. The Coast Guard has participated in nearly every engagement since the undeclared "Quasi-War," fought almost entirely at sea, between the U.S. and France from 1798 to 1800. My bad.